Lady Gaga - The Fame - Monster (DeLuxe Edition)

> Em: 07:18
Download Cd     Baixar    Lady Gaga - The Fame - Monster (DeLuxe Edition)

Lady Gaga - The Fame - Monster (DeLuxe Edition) (2009)

CD 01
1. Bad Romance
2. Alejandro
3. Monster
4. Speechless
5. Dance In The Dark
6. Telephone (featuring Beyonce)
7. So Happy I Could Die
8. Teeth

CD 02
1. Just Dance (featuring Colby O'Donis)
2. Lovegame
3. Paparazzi
4. Poker Face
5. I Like It Rough
6. Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
7. Starstruck (featuring Space Cowboy & Flo Rida)
8. Beautiful, Dirty, Rich
9. The Fame
10.Money Honey
11.Boys Boys Boys
12.Paper Gangsta
13.Brown Eyes
15.Disco Heaven
16.Retro, Dance, Freak

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